- Lead Partner: ECA
- Contributing partners: African Group of Climate Change Negotiators (AGN)
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 12 November 2024
Time: 13h30 to 15h00
The objective of this Article 6 side-event is to create further awareness of the Article 6
framework and identify challenges and opportunities in its implementation by national
governments, the UNFCCC and Africa regional institutions.
These specific objectives are to:
- Apprise African stakeholders on the latest developments in the Article 6 framework.
- Provide dialogue space for sub-regional Article 6 alliances to share their experiences.
- Lay the foundation for consensus on Article 6 and carbon markets best practices and strategies in Africa.
- Provide opportunity for establishing partnerships for effective carbon markets in the African region.
Document :
- Lead Partner: AUC, ECA, AfDB, AUDA-NEPAD
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 13 November 2024
Time: 11.30 – 13.30
These specific objectives are to:
- Present the work by regional entities to support effective operationalization of carbon markets that truly benefit Africa.
- Identify opportunities and highlight the potential benefits of carbon markets for promoting sustainable development, enhancing climate resilience, and attracting investments in green projects across Africa.
- Analyze the barriers that may hinder the effective implementation of carbon markets, including regulatory issues, capacity constraints, and socio-economic factors.
- Propose recommendations on actionable strategies to leverage opportunities and mitigate challenges for the successful establishment and operation of carbon markets in Africa.
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Organizers: Finance Ministry of Egypt and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Lead Partner:
- Finance Ministry, Egypt
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
- United Nations Office of the Special Advisor on Africa (OSAA)
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 14 November 2024
Time: 9h30 - 11h00
These event aims to:
- Highlight the progress and share the direction of the Sustainable Debt Coalition
- Provide countries with concrete solutions to access concessional sustainable finance instruments
- Accelerate the momentum to develop the Coalition further and plan its inaugural convention in early 2025.
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- Lead Partner: World Resources Institute (WRI)
- Contributing partners:
United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
The African Energy Commission (AFREC)
Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 15 November 2024
Time: 14h30 – 16h00
The event aims to strengthen the case for investing in Africa’s energy future and identify pathways
for increasing access to affordable finance. Specific objectives include:
- Enhance collaboration: Explore opportunities for collaboration between organizations and AED to leverage expertise and resources.
- Foster long-term partnerships: Encourage structured long-term partnerships between AED and other organizations to align research priorities with energy needs.
- Foster a lively discussion among diverse stakeholders from across the continent about African countries' energy transition strategies and their impact on economies and communities.
- Enhance Africa's influence in global energy transition debates, promoting stances that benefit the continent and its people.
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- AfDB
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 16 November 2024
Time: 11h30 - 13h00
The main objective of the event is to promote interaction between various African constituencies
and the AGN the status of negotiations, to provide the negotiators with feedback, and to further
inform the ongoing discussions in the African Pavilion events
These specific objectives are to:
- Create awareness and present the status of negotiation tracks and the progress of African priorities therein.
- Seek stakeholders’ feedback and use it to inform negotiation strategies.
- Explain nuances and political interests that sway the negotiations.
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- AfDB
- The World Bank
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan, BlueZone,AreaE
Date: 16 November 2024
Time: 17h30 - 19h00
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Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan, Blue Zone, Area E
Date: 18 November 2024
Time: 11h30 - 13h00
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Building capacity in policy coherence, CLEWs Modelling and Long-term Investments for climate action and the SDGs in Africa
- Lead Partner: UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa)
- Contributing partners: Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) Programme, UNDESA
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 19 November 2024
Time: 13h30 - 15h00
Objectives of the event
These specific objectives are to:
- Showcase the impact of capacity building in energy modelling for Africa’s long-term energy investment, highlighting how tools like CLEWs are used to support policy coherence and address complex challenges in food, agriculture, and water
- systems, and support sustainable development aligned with global goals.
- Present the achievements of the Energy Modelling Platform for Africa (EMP-A) in training professionals across Africa, equipping them with the skills needed to design locally relevant energy systems and strategies and train the future generations of trainers.
- Highlight the work of the Energy Modelling Community for Africa (EMC), including key publications by EMP-A alumni that demonstrate real-world solutions in renewable energy integration and climate resilience.
- Emphasize the contributions of women in energy modelling, showcasing their leadership and the importance of gender inclusivity in Africa’s energy transition.
- Announce new initiatives and partnerships aimed at expanding the use of energy modelling tools across Africa to enhance sustainable energy investment and planning.
- Identify and discuss best practice principles for designing capacity-building programs, drawing upon the lessons learned as articulated in the CCG capacity-building COP29 brief. These principles will provide guidance on how to create effective, sustainable programs that are tailored to regional contexts and foster long-term impact.
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- AfDB
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan, Blue Zone, Area E
Date: 19 November 2024
Time: 13h30 - 15h00
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- Lead Partner: UNECA
- Contributing partners: AUDA-NEPAD
Venue: Africa Pavilion, Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 20 November 2024
Time: 9h30 - 11h00
The main objective of the event is to explore modalities for strengthening Africa’s understanding of
the role of the loss and damage fund, and to review the continent’s readiness to quantify losses
and seek compensation from the fund.
These specific objectives are to:
- Review tools and resources that Africa can use to assess losses and damages orchestrated by climate impacts.
- Increase awareness of the loss and damage fund access modalities.
- Explore partnerships for capacity building on the loss and damage fund.
- Propose solutions to making the case for increased contributions towards the fund.
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- Lead Partner: Seychelles, chair of the African Island States Climate Commission (AISCC)
- Contributing partners: AISCC Member States (Cabo Verde, Comoros, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Madagascar, Mauritius, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania), Indian Ocean Commission, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, United Nations Office of Special Advisor for Africa, Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, African Union, African Development Bank, Sustainable Debt Coalition.
Date: 21 November 2024
Time: 15h30 - 19h00
These specific objectives are to:
- To promote and discuss existing and emerging partnerships that facilitate climate finance for African and AIS SIDS.
- To advance the implementation of climate resilience initiatives under the ABAS by promoting a dialogue on innovative finance and multi-stakeholder collaboration.
- To showcase successful examples of public-private partnerships, blended finance, and international collaboration aimed at enhancing SIDS resilience.
- To create actionable recommendations for improving access to climate finance mechanisms, particularly addressing barriers faced by SIDS in accessing multilateral and bilateral funds.
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