Private sector development and finance

Private sector development and finance icon
Supports member States in their endeavor to achieve accelerated job creation, sustained economic growth and prosperity through leveraging the role and resources of the private sector, promoting innovative financing solutions and creating the environment in which private sector investments for agribusiness, energy, infrastructure, and other sectors can become viable.

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Our Focus

ECA’s overarching focus is to enable member States to design and implement policies in order to achieve sustained economic growth and transformation under the framework of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and Agenda 2063-the Africa we want, through leveraging the private sector and mobilization of resources. This would be achieved by harnessing the private sector as the engine for driving growth, as well as a provider of alternative means of financing for development. ECA will therefore promote policies to increase cooperation between member States and the private sector. This will support the implementation of programmes and strategies to foster stronger participation by the private sector, including development actors in Africa, with the involvement of African economies. ECA emphasizes policies that would increase private sector investment in agriculture, infrastructure, energy and services, as well as for promoting innovative financing for developing capital markets and attracting investment and improving the business-enabling environment. The Commission also places particular emphasis on promoting domestic and women-owned lead firms in joint ventures that can participate competitively in national, regional and global value chains. The elimination of poverty from the world is one of the key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by world leaders in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ECA would promote strategies that would enable member States realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs as well as Agenda 2063: the Africa We Want. ECA will also continue to assist its member States in formulating and implementing evidence-based policies to support their efforts for the further enhancement of small and medium-sized enterprises, the private sector and attract investment in infrastructure, job creation for ensuring economic growth and also for improving the business environment with particular focus on agriculture and land related policies.